Sunday, December 5, 2010

I had begun to think all hope was lost. Family was too far from home. Friends all had other plans. Hell, no one even celebrates Thanksgiving in Spain. I had resigned to treating my favorite holiday as though it were any other day. While discussing the topic of things we missed from home, my friend Emily casually suggested she host Thanksgiving at her apartment and that she and her boyfriend, Chris, be allowed to do the majority of the shopping and cooking. Thus, the plan was set. Chris, Emily, Matt, and I were going to have Thanksgiving dinner on Friday (the day after real Thanksgiving. Matt and I showed up around 3, which put us right on time to prep and cook a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. We ended up eating and drinking for about 9 hours. I can honestly say it was one of the most memorable experiences I've had while in Spain as well as one of the best Thanksgivings I can remember. I'm still craving more apple pie.

Matt didn't do much of the cooking...

Traditional Thanksgiving... chicken.

Emily's home-made apple pie.


One full and happy family.

Things started getting ridiculous around the 7 hour mark.

Do I seriously need a caption? Chris' face says enough.

Note: Matt is not holding a can. Also, this was not posed. Chris was drinking and Matt just did the first thing he could think of when he saw the camera.

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