Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aaaaaand I'm out...

I am currently writing this post from a hotel room in Barcelona. I have spent what seems like an eternity traveling and I have only recently taken a break for a bath (why not shower? long story) and a change of clothes. If my calculations are correct I have been awake for roughly 24hrs at this point, running on about 4 hour sleep. Go me! anyway, here are some photos to help explain my trip thus far:
This comprises roughly 75% of my total carrying load. Stupid? Maybe. Stupid looking?definitely. I classify my gait while carrying all this luggage as a coordinated stumble.

My last meal before leaving the U.S. for 4 months. I love Dulles.
View from the plane, somewhere over the Atlantic.
Eight hours of that gigantic european man. I stayed entertained.